My article doesn't suit me, then I'll return it?

If the item you received does not meet your expectations, you have a 14-day delay from receipt of your order to make a return.

For your return to be accepted, the item must be in its original packaging and in a condition allowing its resale. This means that it must not have been used or washed. Items sold and pre-ordered are not eligible for returns or refunds.

To make a return, you can download the return request form on our site and carefully complete it by indicating the reasons for the return. Once the form is completed, send the item with the completed form to the address that will be communicated to you.

Upon receipt of your return, our return service will carefully review the article to ensure that it meets the conditions of acceptance of the return. If the item is in good condition, we will refund or exchange the item according to your preference.

However, if the item does not meet the return conditions, we will not be able to make a refund or exchange.

Please note that shipping costs for the return of the item are your responsibility. However, if an exchange is necessary, the shipping costs will be borne by us.

We strive to make the return process as simple and transparent as possible. If you have additional questions about returns, please feel free to contact our customer service.