Can I get refunded?

Absolutely! At ASICS Mining, we attach great importance to the satisfaction of our customers. If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase and have met the return terms, you have the option to claim a refund.


Here is the procedure to request a refund:


  1. Contact our Customer Service: If you wish to repay, contact our customer service within 14 days of receiving your order. You can contact us by e-mail, by phone or using our contact form on the site.
  2. Explain the Refund Reason: When you contact our customer service, explain in detail the reason you want a refund. This will allow us to better understand your needs and provide you with the best possible assistance.
  3. Return procedure: If your refund request is accepted, our customer service will provide you with a return address where you can return the item. Make sure that the item is in its original packaging and in a condition allowing its resale, i.e. not used and not washed.
  4. Treatment of Refund: Once we have received the returned item and verified that it meets the return conditions, we will make the refund. The refund will be made according to the original payment method that you used during the purchase.


Please note that the items sold and pre-ordered are not eligible for refunds. In addition, shipping costs for the return of the item are your responsibility, except in case of defective or non-compliant product.

If you have additional questions about the refund process or need assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service. Our team is here to help you and ensure that your experience at ASICS Mining is satisfactory in all respects.