I didn't get my refund

We are sorry to hear that you have not yet received your refund. We are working hard to deal with repayments quickly and efficiently, but sometimes unforeseen delays can occur. We apologize for any inconvenience that could have caused and we will do everything to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.


Here are a few steps you can follow if you have not received your refund:


  1. Check your Bank Account: Make sure to check your bank account or the payment method you used during the purchase. Sometimes refunds can be displayed in a different form or with a specific wording on your bank statement.
  2. Processing time: Please check the processing time indicated during the refund request. Depending on the payment method you used, refunds may take a few days or more to be processed and appear on your account.
  3. Contact our Customer Service: If you have checked your bank account and you have still not received your refund after the specified time, we recommend that you contact our customer service. Our team will be pleased to check the status of your refund and provide you with information about it.
  4. Audit of the Refund Status: Our customer service can verify the status of your refund in our system and provide you with details on the date of issue of the refund and the method of payment used.
  5. Check Refund Conditions: Also make sure to check the refund conditions associated with your application. Some situations, such as sold products or partial refunds, may be subject to specific conditions.


At ASICS Mining, we attach great importance to the satisfaction of our customers and strive to provide a reactive and efficient customer service. If you need additional help or if you have any questions about your refund, please feel free to contact us.