Why does the amount of my refund not match the price of the product I returned?

When the amount of your refund does not match the price of the product you returned, it may be due to several factors. Here are some possible explanations:


  • Return costs: If you have returned a product and return fees have been deducted from the amount refunded, this may explain the difference. Some vendors charge return fees to cover the shipping costs of the returned product.
  • Promotions or discounts : If you initially purchased the product with a discount or discount, the refund amount may be adjusted according to the actual price paid after the promotion. In this case, the refund will reflect the price actually paid for the product.
  • Credit Card or Payment Method : Depending on the payment method you used during the purchase, the refund can be treated differently. For example, if you have paid with a credit card, the refund can take a few days before appearing on your credit card statement.
  • Taxes and Supplemental Fees : In some cases, additional taxes or fees may be included in the price of the original product. When you return, these taxes and fees are not always refundable, which may result in a difference in the amount of the refund.
  • Refund Policy : Each seller may have its own refund policy, which may include specific terms on refunds. For example, some vendors may retain restocking costs on returns, which may affect the amount of the refund.


If you notice a significant difference between the amount refunded and the price of the returned product, we recommend that you contact our customer service. Our team will be pleased to check the details of your return and provide you with clear explanations of the amount refunded.