Retour produit

My article doesn't suit me, then I'll return it?

If the item you received does not meet your expectations, you have a 14-day delay from receipt of your order to make a return.

For your return to be accepted, the item must be in its original packaging and in a condition allowing its resale. This means that it must not have been used or washed. Items sold and pre-ordered are not eligible for returns or refunds.

To make a return, you can download the return request form on our site and carefully complete it by indicating the reasons for the return. Once the form is completed, send the item with the completed form to the address that will be communicated to you.

Upon receipt of your return, our return service will carefully review the article to ensure that it meets the conditions of acceptance of the return. If the item is in good condition, we will refund or exchange the item according to your preference.

However, if the item does not meet the return conditions, we will not be able to make a refund or exchange.

Please note that shipping costs for the return of the item are your responsibility. However, if an exchange is necessary, the shipping costs will be borne by us.

We strive to make the return process as simple and transparent as possible. If you have additional questions about returns, please feel free to contact our customer service.

My product is defective or non-compliant

We are sorry to hear that you have received a defective or non-compliant product. We strive to provide high-quality products, but there may be problems during the manufacturing or transport process. We will make every effort to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.

If you find that the product you received is defective or does not match your order, we invite you to follow the return procedure. Here is how to proceed:


  1. Contact our Customer Service: Within 14 days of receiving your order, contact our customer service to inform us of the problem you have encountered with the product. You can contact us by e-mail, by phone or using our contact form on the site.
  2. Describe the problem: When you contact our customer service, please describe the problem you have encountered in detail. Indicate if the product is defective, damaged, or if it does not match your order.
  3. Delivery of the Product: If our customer service confirms that the product is defective or non-compliant, we will provide you with a return address where you can return the product.
  4. Review of output: Once we receive the defective or non-compliant product, our team will conduct a careful review to check the reported problem.
  5. Resolution options: Depending on the situation, we will propose you different resolution options. This may include a complete refund, product replacement or exchange for a similar product.
  6. Return costs: If the product is defective or non-compliant, we will charge the return fees.


At ASICS Mining, we make every effort to ensure the satisfaction of our customers. If you encounter a problem with your product, we invite you to contact us as soon as possible so that we can find a quick solution tailored to your situation.

Please let us know if you have any additional questions or if you need assistance for the return process. Our customer service is available to help you.

I sent my return, what will happen?

Once you have sent your return to ASICS Mining, we will immediately begin the treatment process to solve the problem you have encountered. Here are the steps we follow to treat your return:


  1. Reception of the Return : As soon as we receive your return to our treatment center, our return service team will carefully check the condition of the returned product and will examine the details you provided regarding the problem encountered.
  2. Audit of Product State: We will carefully examine the product to ensure that it meets the conditions of acceptance of the return, as mentioned in our return conditions. The product must be in its original packaging and in a condition allowing its resale, i.e. not used and not washed.
  3. Resolution options: Depending on the nature of the problem reported and the condition of the product, we will offer you different resolution options. If the product is actually defective or non-compliant, we will make a full refund or exchange for a similar product, depending on your preference.
  4. Treatment of Refund or Exchange: If you have chosen a refund, we will make the refund as soon as possible, usually within a few days after receiving your return. If you have opted for an exchange, we will prepare the new product for shipping.
  5. Confirmation and Notification: Once we have processed your return and take the appropriate steps, we will send you an e-mail confirmation to inform you of the resolution made to your request.


At ASICS Mining, we are working hard to deal with returns quickly and effectively. We understand how important it is for you to solve any problems encountered with your order. Our goal is to guarantee your satisfaction and offer you a pleasant online shopping experience.

If you have any questions or concerns about processing your return, please feel free to contact our customer service. Your satisfaction is our priority and we will do everything we can to meet your needs.

Can I get refunded?

Absolutely! At ASICS Mining, we attach great importance to the satisfaction of our customers. If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase and have met the return terms, you have the option to claim a refund.


Here is the procedure to request a refund:


  1. Contact our Customer Service: If you wish to repay, contact our customer service within 14 days of receiving your order. You can contact us by e-mail, by phone or using our contact form on the site.
  2. Explain the Refund Reason: When you contact our customer service, explain in detail the reason you want a refund. This will allow us to better understand your needs and provide you with the best possible assistance.
  3. Return procedure: If your refund request is accepted, our customer service will provide you with a return address where you can return the item. Make sure that the item is in its original packaging and in a condition allowing its resale, i.e. not used and not washed.
  4. Treatment of Refund: Once we have received the returned item and verified that it meets the return conditions, we will make the refund. The refund will be made according to the original payment method that you used during the purchase.


Please note that the items sold and pre-ordered are not eligible for refunds. In addition, shipping costs for the return of the item are your responsibility, except in case of defective or non-compliant product.

If you have additional questions about the refund process or need assistance, please feel free to contact our customer service. Our team is here to help you and ensure that your experience at ASICS Mining is satisfactory in all respects.

How to use an asset on my order?

At ASICS Mining, we sometimes offer assets to our customers in the form of credits or purchase vouchers, which you can use to settle part or all of your order. If you have an asset and want to use it in your next purchase, here is the procedure to follow:


  1. Check your Avoir Amount: First, make sure you know the amount of your assets. You can check this by consulting your customer account or contacting our customer service.
  2. Add Articles to Your Cart: Once you have chosen the items you wish to buy, add them to your cart as you would for a normal order.
  3. Proceed to Payment: When you are ready to go to the cashier, you will see an option to use your assets when paying. Select this option to apply the amount to have it to your order.
  4. Check your order: Before finalizing your order, make sure that the amount of having it has been deducted from the total to be paid. You may need to adjust the payment method to cover the remaining balance if your assets do not cover the entire order.
  5. Complete Your Order: Once you are satisfied with your order and have checked all the details, make the payment to complete your order.


It is essential to note that assets may be subject to certain conditions of use, such as their expiry date or non-applicability on certain products sold or promoted. Make sure you check the conditions associated with your asset to avoid confusion during your purchase.

If you encounter difficulties in using your asset or have any questions about its use, please feel free to contact our customer service. Our team is here to assist you in every step of the process and ensure that your shopping experience at ASICS Mining is pleasant.

I didn't get my refund

We are sorry to hear that you have not yet received your refund. We are working hard to deal with repayments quickly and efficiently, but sometimes unforeseen delays can occur. We apologize for any inconvenience that could have caused and we will do everything to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.


Here are a few steps you can follow if you have not received your refund:


  1. Check your Bank Account: Make sure to check your bank account or the payment method you used during the purchase. Sometimes refunds can be displayed in a different form or with a specific wording on your bank statement.
  2. Processing time: Please check the processing time indicated during the refund request. Depending on the payment method you used, refunds may take a few days or more to be processed and appear on your account.
  3. Contact our Customer Service: If you have checked your bank account and you have still not received your refund after the specified time, we recommend that you contact our customer service. Our team will be pleased to check the status of your refund and provide you with information about it.
  4. Audit of the Refund Status: Our customer service can verify the status of your refund in our system and provide you with details on the date of issue of the refund and the method of payment used.
  5. Check Refund Conditions: Also make sure to check the refund conditions associated with your application. Some situations, such as sold products or partial refunds, may be subject to specific conditions.


At ASICS Mining, we attach great importance to the satisfaction of our customers and strive to provide a reactive and efficient customer service. If you need additional help or if you have any questions about your refund, please feel free to contact us.

How to initiate a product return?

If you want to return a product for any reason, we make the procedure simple and easy. Here is how to initiate a product return:


  1. Log in to Your Account: If you have created a customer account during your purchase, log in to your account on our website. If you have made your purchase as a guest, you can move to the next step.
  2. Access the "My Orders" Section" : Once connected to your account, go to the "My Orders" section. You will find a list of all your orders placed at ASICS Mining.
  3. Select the Command to Return: Find the order containing the product you want to return, then select it to access the order details.
  4. Insert the Return: On the order details page, search for the option for "Initiate a Return" or "Request a Refund". Click on this option to start the return process.
  5. Complete the Return Form: You will be redirected to a return form where you will need to indicate the details of the product you want to return and the reason for return. Please provide as much information as possible to facilitate the processing of your request.
  6. Validate Your Application: Once you have completed the return form, validate your request. You will usually receive a confirmation of your return request by email.
  7. Wait for the Approval: Our return service team will review your return request and verify that the product meets the return conditions. Once your application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to return the product to our processing centre.


Please note that return conditions may apply, such as the authorized return period, the condition of the product to be returned, etc. It is essential to follow the instructions provided by our customer service to ensure that your return is treated correctly and quickly.

If you have any questions or concerns about the return process, do not hesitate to contact our customer service. We are here to help you in every step of the process.

What is our return policy?

We are committed to the satisfaction of our customers and wish to offer you a transparent and favourable return policy. Our return policy is designed to provide you with flexibility while ensuring that returns are made in an efficient and equitable manner. Here are the main points of our return policy:


  1. Return period: You have 14 days from receipt of your order to initiate a return. After this period, requests for return will no longer be accepted.
  2. Status of output: To be able to return a product, it must be in its original state, not used, not washed and in its original packaging. We ask you to ensure that the product is clean and in perfect condition for possible resale.
  3. Balanced and Pre-order Products: Please note that sold products and pre-order items are neither exchangeable nor refundable. These products are sold "such as" and are not eligible for returns, except in case of manufacturing or non-compliance.
  4. Return procedure: To initiate a return, connect to your customer account, access the "My Orders" section and select the order containing the product to be returned. Complete the return form with the product details and the reason for return. Our return service team will review your request and send you instructions for return.
  5. Return costs: Shipping costs for the return of the product are at your expense, except in case of defective or non-compliant product. In case an exchange is required, the shipping costs will be borne by ASICS Mining.
  6. Treatment of Refund: Once we have received the product returned and verified that it complies with the terms of return, we will refund according to the original method of payment that you used during the purchase.


Please consult our return policy page for all specific details and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about our return policy, do not hesitate to contact our customer service.

Are there any return fees for products?

At ASICS Mining, the return fees are usually borne by the customer. This means that if you want to return a product for any reason, you will need to take charge of shipping costs to return the product to our processing center.

However, there is an important exception to this rule. If the product you received is defective, damaged or not in accordance with your order, we will charge the return fees. In such cases, we will provide you with specific instructions for the return of the product, and we will arrange the return shipment at our expense.

It is essential to note that our return policy requires that the returned product be in its original state, unused and in its original packaging. If the product has returned to a different state, we reserve the right to refuse the return or to charge you with restoration fees to repay the product.

If you have any doubts or questions about return fees for a specific product, we recommend that you contact our customer service before starting the return. Our team will be pleased to answer all your questions and provide you with detailed information on the return procedure and any associated costs.

At ASICS Mining, we strive to make the return process as simple and transparent as possible. We want your experience with us to be satisfactory in all respects, and we are here to help you solve any problems or concerns related to product returns.

Why does the amount of my refund not match the price of the product I returned?

When the amount of your refund does not match the price of the product you returned, it may be due to several factors. Here are some possible explanations:


  • Return costs: If you have returned a product and return fees have been deducted from the amount refunded, this may explain the difference. Some vendors charge return fees to cover the shipping costs of the returned product.
  • Promotions or discounts : If you initially purchased the product with a discount or discount, the refund amount may be adjusted according to the actual price paid after the promotion. In this case, the refund will reflect the price actually paid for the product.
  • Credit Card or Payment Method : Depending on the payment method you used during the purchase, the refund can be treated differently. For example, if you have paid with a credit card, the refund can take a few days before appearing on your credit card statement.
  • Taxes and Supplemental Fees : In some cases, additional taxes or fees may be included in the price of the original product. When you return, these taxes and fees are not always refundable, which may result in a difference in the amount of the refund.
  • Refund Policy : Each seller may have its own refund policy, which may include specific terms on refunds. For example, some vendors may retain restocking costs on returns, which may affect the amount of the refund.


If you notice a significant difference between the amount refunded and the price of the returned product, we recommend that you contact our customer service. Our team will be pleased to check the details of your return and provide you with clear explanations of the amount refunded.

I asked for a refund but my bank card was stolen or opposed, what to do?

If you have requested a refund but your credit card has been stolen or opposed, it is essential to act quickly to resolve the situation. Here are the steps to follow:


  1. Contact your Bank: As soon as you realize that your bank card has been stolen or opposed, contact your bank immediately to report the incident. They will then be able to block any suspicious activity on your card and give you advice on how to follow.
  2. Inform the ASICS Mining Customer Service: Also contact our customer service as soon as possible to inform them of the situation. Indicate to them that your card has been stolen or opposed and that you cannot receive the refund on this card. They will then be able to take note of this information and offer alternative solutions for reimbursement.
  3. Alternative Refund Method: Our customer service can offer you alternative methods of reimbursement, such as bank transfer, cryptocurrency refund or refund on another credit or debit card. Make sure to provide the information necessary to facilitate the refund process.
  4. Follow-up to Refund: Once you have provided the information necessary for the refund, follow the refund process closely. Make sure that all steps are properly followed so that you can receive your refund within the expected time frame.
  5. Secure your Information: To avoid any future problems, make sure to secure your personal and financial information. Change your passwords regularly, do not share your credit card information with unsecured sources and regularly monitor your bank statements to detect any suspicious activity.


At ASICS Mining, we understand that unforeseen situations can occur, and we are here to help you solve any problems related to your refund. Our customer service is at your disposal to accompany you throughout the process and to offer you a solution tailored to your situation.