How do I cancel my order?

To cancel your order at ASICS Mining, please follow these steps:

  • Contact our customer service: As soon as you decide to cancel your order, it is important to contact us as soon as possible. You can contact us by phone at the number indicated on our website or by email at If you have created a customer account on our site, you can also send a cancellation request from the "My Orders" section of your account.


  • Provide details of your order: When you contact our customer service, make sure that you provide the necessary information to identify your order, such as the order number, your name, and the email associated with your purchase. This information will allow us to locate your order in our system.


  • Cancellation request: Inform our team that you wish to cancel your order. If your order has not yet been processed or shipped, we will generally be able to cancel it without problems. However, if your order is already being processed, we will do everything we can to cancel the transaction before the shipment.


  • Cancellation confirmation: Once our customer service has processed your cancellation request, you will receive an email confirmation. If your order is successfully cancelled, the total amount of your purchase will be refunded according to the payment method you used during the purchase. Refund may take a few business days depending on the processing time of your bank.


It is important to note that if your order has already been shipped at the time of your cancellation request, you will need to follow our return policy to return the product and obtain a refund or exchange.

At ASICS Mining, we are working hard to quickly process cancellation requests and provide effective assistance to our customers. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the cancellation of your order, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help you at any time and make sure you have a satisfactory shopping experience at home.